Saturday, May 7

Saturday, May Seventh, 2011

Hey. I said I would post more, and I lied. But it's not like it even matters... I could post every single one of my secrets and no one would probably notice. But this is hooked up to buzz on Gmail... I'll have to fix that. No one really uses buzz anyways.

Anyways. Did I tell you I sometimes hate math? It's pretty cool and useful, but I really despise dividing polynomials, mono-, bi-, tri-, or otherwise. Did you also know if you live to be seventy-eight, your heart will beat approximately three billion times? You know, if you live that long. Otherwise, figure it out yourself.

I just got over tonsillitis. I think my sister's baby-daddy had it too. He described it as "Having a gerbil in your throat." Yep, pretty much. Now I have ammoxacilin and it works wonders. Still kinda sick though... Didn't go to school all week because of it. That and Junior Olympiad on Monday, which pretty much sucked.

We got thirty-seventh place out of fifty-one. Wooo, go us. On the plus side, I got to see him. You know, him. Yeeah.

Moving on.

I got a Paramore CD, Riot! for my birthday. It was a while back but we were busy so semi-celebrated it today.

We never really celebrate my birthday anymore. No more friend parties, and my brother had a ton going on this year so we just... didn't. I guess I'm a little sad, but whatever. It's not like it's that big a deal.

I haven't had a friend party in... Four years I think. Wow. Some of my friends were practically begging me to have one but I didn't want to hassle my mom. What with my brother's stuff and my own and her own and my step-dad's and the dogs issues, she's a little swamped. I didn't want to bother.

I also got Pokemon Black. It's pretty fun. I have four already, one pretty high level. Yay for being nerdy.

You know what I really hate? Girls who act nerdy to get attention. As in, "I just like totally love comic books!! <333333333" and then you ask which one is their favorite and they say "Batman!! <3333333333" and then you ask which is their favorite edition, chapter, etc., and all you get is a blank stare then, "Ohhhh, all of them are like totally awesome!!"

Are. You . Kidding me?

I know I don't know much about comic books, or video games for that matter, but I don't act like I do. Sure, I may comment about what happened in CoD3 last night when I was playing, but I'm not trying to act like that means anything special. Honestly, I thought guys didn't really like nerdy girls.

Correction: They don't like truly nerdy girls. Like girls who read manga and know more about Bleach then they should and know too many Harry Potter spells and can carry on an honest conversation... [hi there.]

Enough of self "bragging" though.

Have you ever wondered? Just wondered at everything? Like, is there someone on this planet right now finding a way to get us to a different life sustaining planet? Is there another life sustaining planet? If so, what's on it? Is there even a cure for cancer? How long does the universe go on for? Did dragons once exist?

Who knows.

Maybe it's better not knowing. I used to have to have an explanation for everything, but then I got thinking. If you know everything, there are no more mysteries in the world. No more magic, or so to say, no more puzzles. Where's the fun in that?

I don't really care how the world was created. Not anymore. If there is some gregarious creator, or even just a little organism that set it all in motion and is now watching it play out, or some intangible being looking down on us, then let there be. If we did start with a bang, or a trail of smoke, or one tiny speck of light, let there be. Why do people care so much? Don't we have greater issues going on?

Not that anybody cares for others. I'll admit, if it meant losing my iPod, or safe warm bed, I wouldn't save another. Well, maybe if I knew they were going to get shot and all I had to do was give away my iPod they would be saved, yes. I've noticed though that no one really wants to hear about anything but themselves. Sure, you might care about someone enough to ask how they're doing, but do you really hear the answer? As soon as you hear, you launch into something about what. You, that's what. This may not always be true, it's just an observation.

I really miss singing. It still hurts to sing.

Hm. What else to ramble about.

I wonder what's going on in Muslim communities. Unless you live in a cave, [haha. Unintentional pun] Osama Bin Laden has been killed and thrown into the sea. Wonder if everyone there is sad, like when a loved president dies, or if they're joyful, jubilant in the fact that this oppressive man is finally gone.

I wish I could go to all the third-world countries, and bring them just tons of food and drink. Literally tons. Thousands of pounds. Then give them all a bath, and install working plumbing.

Like I could ever get enough money and supplies, let alone ability. It's just a thought.

Maybe I'll post a picture of a manga girl I drew. People at school seem to think that anime and anything Japanese is the devils own work or something. They scoff and scorn those who like it. I guess I get mad, but mainly because I just don't understand what's so wrong with it. Maybe because it's so different. What do people got against different?

Those are the same people who don't like gays and lesbians. Maybe there's a connection there.

Maybe they're just so against foreign ideas that the only way they have of dealing with them is hatred. Wouldn't it be funny if one of them secretly reads Ouran late at night? Make their parents return it to the library because they're so embarrassed of their true self? I would kindly laugh and guide them on their path to becoming an otaku. Show them the good stuff, and explain confusing parts of Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist because trust me, there's a lot.

Then maybe we could slowly tell their friends with little references, and then their friends would see it's not so bad and stop laughing at it.

We can all say that's never going to happen. It's a nice thought though.

I don't care if you don't like it or not. Heck, I hate most of the things you like. But that doesn't mean I openly make fun of it. Sure, I may scoff at you in my head, but I don't put my rudeness out there for the world to see. Don't they know that's extremely unbecoming?

That makes me think of sexism. Don't guys know that's a major turn off? More likely than not, girls will dislike you if you're sexist. You can make a few women jokes, but doing it all the time is just disgusting.

Racism is bad too.

Stupid ignorant people. [haha, bad pun number two]

I guess I don't hate them, but they do get pretty annoying. People who are sexist, racist, and just scoff at foreign things.

I for one love a German techno band, a Japanese rock band, and from what I've heard a Korean pop band.

But that's lame old me I guess.

I think I'm about rambled out. Later, blog.

 Hope that updated you on the Randomness of My Life.


Tuesday, February 1

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HOLY CRAP it's a new year!

And it's February... 

And this is the first time I've updated in a while...

I'm a disappointment. Get over it.

So we have a lot of snow in my area, and ice, and wind. All that fun stuff. And we got called off school early yesterday. And no school today or tomorrow. Or probably Thursday or Friday due to extreme cold.

The ice is so thick, I can walk on top of it and it won't break. It's so cool.


I like to play video games like the little nerd I am, and one of my favorites is the Devil May Cry franchise. I'm playing the first one right now on my new/old PS2 and it's freaking beast. Except when they give you TWO bosses in one level. That's just not cool. I mean, who does that? Technically speaking, there's three bosses. But the first one is impossible to beat so you just run. Run far and run fast. 

It's just not cool.

And yet I still play it... like a mad-woman... 

Guess what tomorrow is?! Groundhog's Day! Let's all pin our hopes of a short winter on a stupid mammal that will run back into it's burrow if you breathe too close to it. ._.

So anyways, I was reading this graphic novel and it's really late in the series, like the seventeenth manga. And I found out that a character I perceived to be a total man, like, no question, is in fact a girl of the female variety. And that another character, who I thought was unaffected by all this drama and was comic relief, is in love with her/him. And she/he is with another man but she wants to be with the first man, and the second man wants to be the main character's best friend, but the second man feel obliged to be with the girl/man even though he and the main character's best friend are totally in love and the girl/man is confused about who she/he loves, and the main character's best friend is just really lonely and wants the second man so bad, and the first man knows he can never be with the girl/man but he still wants him/her. 

And that's not even the main plot.

I kinda had an epileptic attack after I found out the man is a girl. I screamed. Then told Madeline. And she screamed and had an epileptic attack.

I've also played the Sims 3 at least six of the past twenty-four hours. 

...I really need to get out of the house more...

...But I don't. Not when the streets are like frozen, snowy death-traps that can't wait to total your car. 

So I get on the computer and ramble/rant about every little thing to the internet!

 I hope that updated you on the Randomness of My Life. 

-3.1415927 [Formerly CEO]

Tuesday, October 12

Tuesday, October Twelf

Baha, I'm back again. But this'll be short. Cuz I need to sleeeep.

Today was good. Science was AMAZING, Mrs. Reeves wasn't there.:D Had a concert, but beforehand got to meet with the Marching 100. They rock.  The girl who was showing me around [she was a flute, no idea why] was really nice and funny. And I got told I had good style! Heh heh, I know, what a funny joke. 
And today seems like it'll never end, but it went by really fast at the same time. Weird, but everyday at school is like that. Guess I'll be goin' to bed [or not] now. Gotta take a shower first, and read 'cause Mrs. Jacks says so, and gotta hope I fall asleep tonight. See yah!

 Hope that updated you on the Randomness of my Life. 

Monday, October 11

BWAHAHA ...aherm... Llamas, Anyone? [Monday, October 11]

Hello! I'm back. Obviously. WEEE~!

So, I have writers block. DX Which especially sucks, seeing as I finally have time to update Fan-Fiction... Oh well. Maybe inspiration will come? Pssh.

Anywho, school has started. Blehh. I love Mrs. Jacks, [WIFEY TO MR. JACKS!!! <3_<3] Hate Mrs. Reeves, and Mrs. Paustian is awesome. I'm just always wrong in her class...


...too bad. I'm still gonna write one.



There was a llama named... uh... Phil. And Phil was from the FuTuRe! [heh heh. Get it? ANYONE REMEMBER THAT SHOW?!] And Phil got lost in the time vortex. He was supposed to be doing a STUPID FREAKING SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT THAT HIS EVIL TEACHER, MRS. uh, BLEEVES WAS MAKING HIM DO AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED THANKS A BUNG BLEEVES GOSH NO ONE WANTED TO DO IT AND YOU- heh... 
His project was the different side effects on plants in different times when you pour MRS. BLEEVES BLOOD- I mean, genetically altered mouse bile on it.  But he got lost, and he was scared. Phil was only 13, GOSH BLEEVES. 
Sniffling, he saw that he was in the year 2010. And a girl with crazy brown hair was staring at him. "Hi, I'm uh, Blope! Are you a nice llama?" 
"Well, of course I am!" He snorted. What llama wasn't?
She screamed. And ran around in circles. "Oh yeah, that's right... you foolish humans don't know we talk yet..." Another scream.
"Okay, calm down... I'm from the future, so that's also probably a bit of a-"
Phil shook his head. "Just CALM DOWN already!"
At that, Blope took a deep breath, ran around one more time, and fell like a dead chicken.
"Uh oh..." But as soon as the llama said that, she was up again, pacing.
"So you're from the future. And how did you get here?"
"Um, a vortex." 
"Of course, of course. And why are you here?"
"Science fair."
"You have to do that too? grr... Well where is your vortex?" 
"It, uh, well... broke." He said sheepishly. 
She slammed her fist onto the palm of her other hand. "We'll just have to fix it!" 
Man, she adapted quick... Phil thought.
An hour later, the vortex was fixed. "Thank you so much!" He said, hugging Blope. [Is that possible? is now.]
"Oh, it was nothing..." Blope blushed. "But you have to do your project. Good luck!"
"You too." They hugged again, and Phil disappeared into his vortex. 

They both got first place, and they all lived happily ever after, never telling anyone about their little adventure.


The end!

Whew! I'm beat. Stories always tire me out... like cooking...

Okay, that's all for now! 

Hope that updated you on the Randomness of My Life.

The awesomest, 


Thursday, July 29

Thursday, July 29


Thanks you Hopey for being the only person to seriously read my blog!:D

I love you.


ANYWHO... Madeline's coming over to spend the night for the third time this week! WOO!

AYS Camp is this week. It's so fun!

Aaaannnddd there's this new anime I love! Soul Eater. My Anime buddy from ISYM told me about it. I miss her so much!

Hope that updated you on the Randomness of my Life!

(That was short.)